Thursday, May 13, 2010

3.6 Concept

Here is some additional info. to support your concept work:


1. Concept:

Prepare a single paragraph statement that captures the essence of your film idea.

Write a plot outline for your film. This is a description of the action of your film in the third person present tense in paragraph form. It should give a clear idea of the important plot points and some idea of the ideas and style of the film. It should also make clear the setting(s) of the film (time and place).

Prepare a series of brief character biographies and location descriptions.

Give a brief account of how you will approach practical details – what does your film involve in terms of:

· time

· research

· personnel

· locations

· equipment

· releases

· graphics and special effects?

What problems might you encounter and how might you solve them?

2. Treatment

Plan in detail the style of your film.

You will need to discuss mood, structure, pace and film style.

You should make detailed reference to at least FIVE significant film conventions which you will use to tell your story/ communicate ideas.

How will you use film conventions to support your film’s story and communicate appropriate ideas?

Film conventions might include:

· shot type

· composition

· angle

· focus

· lighting

· camera movement

· props

· production design

· special effects

· other features of editing (juxtaposition, flashback or flashforward, parallel action, fast or slow motion, transitions, freeze frames, jump cuts, matched cuts) etc.

3. Justification:

Present detailed arguments as to why this film production is appropriate for the festival.

You will need to justify the concept and treatment with specific reference to:

· the brief

· target audience

· your film’s story

· ideas

· style

· practical details.

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